Workbook — Online Sales Course

Goal: Create an online workbook for Dr. Keith Carson, who hosts an online Sales course to “See Sales Differently”.

Behind The Scenes

Initial Thoughts

Creating a workbook from scratch with a brief guide including topics and questions was a daunting task. I had created a Sales Deck for Dr. Carson before, so although I felt comfortable with the branding of Integrated Sales Solutions, I was intimidated by the importance of creating a tool dedicated to teaching and learning.

Goals & Timeline

The workbook was a create-as-you-go type of project, with a flexible deadline of “a few months, give or take”. Dr. Carson was also planning changes, so we took it a page at a time, with lots of wiggle room. The workbook would be provided to his students as an online PDF.


I received instructions to create a page for an assessment of 28 questions, I knew I wanted to present the information logically and organized in a simple yet aesthetic manner.

After battling with the design process, I produced the first draft (left), yet approached Dr. Carson with my concerns. Although we liked the idea of a “cheatsheet” of the 28 assessment questions, it would hinder the students’ understanding and flow of the workbook.

We agreed to separate the 28 questions, and I turned each section into a new page with graphics and space to answer (right).

Problems: I had a long design process when creating appropriate graphics for each page. My goal was to increase understanding of material and engage the students. They had to be eye-catching but not distracting, and they had to contribute to the learning process.


Behind The Scenes

Final Thoughts

As a visual learner, I felt compelled to create an engaging workbook. Majority of the time spent on this project went into the graphics and layout. Switching layout patterns and weaving elements of color to create visual flow proved to be the biggest yet most rewarding challenge. The final product doesn’t overwhelm the student, rather it encourages them to flesh out their ideas and opinions.

The graphics and color keep the attention of the student and present information and complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner.


Sales Presentation — IT Client


Aeras Foundation Website