Sales Presentation — IT Client

Goal: A new and revamped sales pitch presentation.

Initial Thoughts

The old presentation had simple, outdated graphics, with no use of transitions. The usage of the color palette was overwhelming, and the slide deck did not have a modern, IT feel.

Goals & Timeline

The client wanted a modern, branded presentation with easy-to-follow navigation, as soon as possible. A graphic designer’s favorite deadline to receive.



Font: There were two sets of fonts to choose from: Montserrat and SF Pro. I went with SF Pro because it’s a versatile, modern, and sleek font.

Color Palette: The color palette was simple: blue, white, and black, with yellow as an accent. Since the client was looking for a modern design, I chose the Aeras blue as my accent color.

Graphics: Modernized and redesigned graphics to help simplify the complex information being presented.

Transitions: Smooth transitions to promote understanding of materials.

Problems: There were difficulties with verbiage and information presented. I worked closely with the Sales Team to craft copy that was both fundamentally correct and easy-to-understand.

Final Result


The focus of this sales deck was presenting complex materials in a simple, aesthetic manner. The client needed a presentation to showcase the company’s specialty features, easy IT setup process, and quick timeline.

This project was completed in a 1.5-week period. The 20-slide deck was created after my initial meeting with the client, two editing rounds with the Sales Team, and a final presentation to the CEO.

Check out Aeras Technologies.


Sales Workbook