Website — Aeras Foundation

Goal: Redesign the non-profit’s website for everyday operations.

We started with a blank slate.

The initial website was a simple landing page that acted as a placeholder for the URL to the non-profit. The Aeras Foundation needed a proper, branded website for potential donors, partners, and inquisitors to use as a way to donate, learn more about the organization, connect with those in need, and educate themselves on the digital divide.

The directions and timeline were simple:

We need a branded website as soon as possible, so everyone who visits the site can find the information they need.


Research & Positioning

A non-profit that collects used technology could easily be misconstrued unimportant in comparison to other NPOs, so I set out to research more about the topic at hand.

I received whitepapers and materials about the Aeras Foundation and learned majority of the initial knowledge from interviews with the Founder. Upon additional online research and brainstorming with the Aeras Foundation Board, we came to this tagline: We aren’t just giving a device—we are giving hope, a second chance, and an opportunity to advance. #TechnologyForAll. This hashtag and tagline then became the driving force for the website.

Design & Layout

I wanted a simple, light design to highlight the achievements of the Aeras Foundation and to allow the viewer to empathize with the beneficiaries.

Immediate Challenges

The photo repository was small, with blurry and poorly composed images taken with a mobile device. I had to design a professional, powerful website without strong imagery and media.

Problems: This was one of the largest and most difficult projects because of the lack of resources. Conducting interviews with the board members and finding stock images that “didn’t look stock image-y” were time-consuming tasks. One of the most important factors when creating this website was finding powerful media to use to draw in the viewer.


The power of a thoughtful website can change the trajectory of any non-profit organization. A device collecting dust in one’s closet can turn into a life-changing device for a child in need. This website addresses the underserved communities in Orlando, Florida, while presenting the facts and information in an easy-to-understand manner. The simple yet visually enticing layout brings an intelligent feel to the Aeras Foundation and is paired with a bright color palette to add a sense of fun and hope. I added simple, branded graphics to highlight the process of refurbished devices and carefully chosen photos to emphasize the impact of donated devices and communities helped.

This is a special project because I’m a proud supporter of the Aeras Foundation. I I will continue to support the Foundation, whether it’s through updating their website or rallying for donated devices.

That’s me, second on the right!

(In the green shirt!)


Sales Workbook